Rollup is not working on Tasks

Posted almost 2 years ago by Albert T

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Albert T

I have created a Rollup to get the due date of recently completed task on the opportunity. For which I am taking the Max of ActivityDate with the filter where Task status is Completed.

But PWR Rollups is not giving me any value in the requested field on the Opportunity object. 

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Orektic Wecare

Orektic Wecare posted almost 2 years ago Admin

Hello Albert,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

We understand that you are facing an issue with Salesforce not supporting any aggregate operations on the 'ActivityDate' field. However, we have a solution for you that involves using PWR Rollups as a workaround to fulfill your requirements.

To provide you with detailed steps to resolve the issue, please click on the following link

Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

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