FTP Attachments®

Modified on Wed, 15 Nov, 2023 at 11:47 AM

Build 5.2.15 (September 26, 2023)

  • Fix the Attach/View/Update & Delete functionality for the 'Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce' template site community for the Enhanced Domain Salesforce feature
  • FTP Attachments Standalone 5.2.15 Build

Build 5.2.14 (December 2, 2022)

Build 5.2.12 (July 4, 2022)

  • Fix the Delete functionality for hosted users. The hosted user is now able to delete attachments seamlessly

Build 5.2.11 (April 5, 2022)

  • Fix for File Name Settings

Build 5.2.9 (October 22, 2021)

  • Improvement: Moving of Product FTP Attachment From Enzigma Software Pvt. Ltd. to Orektic Solutions LLP
  • Bug Fix in Additional Storage Server:
  • Fixes for File Name Settings Error Message:
    1. If file name settings are allowed or denied with large no. of extensions then an error message is truncated
    2. Custom validation message
    If we throw an error message with trigger it's not displaying on UI

Build 5.2.8 (July 28, 2021)
  • Improvement in Custom Link Manager:  New buttons created with the custom link manager will include the latest  API 51
  • Bug Fix in Additional Storage Server: Users can use the Additional storage server feature seamlessly

Build 5.2.7 (June 1, 2021)
  • API Upgradation: APIs have been upgraded to version 51.
  • Language: Addition of new Languages that support FTP Attachments Application.
  • Send Mail: Custom APIs for Email2case functionality in accordance with the Salesforce release update "Disable Ref ID and Transition to New Email Threading Behavior "

Build 5.2.6 (April 2, 2021)

  • Storage Server: SFTP Storage server hosted on RHEL V8 is now compatible with FTP Attachments

Managed Package v3.2 (February 7, 2020)

  • Bug fixes in the Advanced Migrator tool: Now, users can utilize the Advanced Migrator feature more efficiently and migrate their notes and attachments to FTP Attachments

Managed Package v3.4 (March 26, 2020)

  • TDTM format: Updated Triggers structure using TDTM format
  • Callable Interface: Implementation of Callable Interface

Build 5.2.5 (March 26, 2020)

  • Migrator: The migrator tool can now be used seamlessly without any issues,  Migration of files using combined File Name Settings of FTP Attachments Pro and  Attachments migrator
  • Advance Migrator: The Advance Migrator Tool now functions smoothly in standalone mode
  • File Name Settings: This includes Characters allowed or Denied that can be used without any issues
  • Base URL Link Field can't be empty:  Email Default settings can't be updated keeping the base URL Empty
  • Username Field:  Fixed the issue of editable username

Managed Package v3.3 (February 26, 2020)

  • TDTM format: Updated Triggers structure using TDTM format
  • Callable Interface: Implementation of Callable Interface

Build 5.1.9 (December 24, 2018)

  • Toasts: Toasts displays have been managed for languages other than English
  •  Locale: The current build supports all the locales

Managed Package v3.0.1 (October 16, 2018)

  • Improvement:  Trigger available in managed package gets fired but does not get executed without checking record status
  • Bug Fixes: In managed package 3.0.0, we used a trigger for new feature Advance Migrator tool which automates the migration of attachments from Salesforce to FTP Attachments. This trigger needed a record in Migrator settings. Due to this, an exception used to get thrown if trigger doesn't get any migrator setting record. In managed package 3.0.1, on insert itself, we have checked migrator setting record status.It doesn't get executed if any record is not available in custom settings i.e. if you are not using advanced migrator.Consequently no exception occurs on Notes and Attachments

Managed Package v3.0.0 (September 06, 2018)

  • Enhancements:
    • Lightning Compatible: FTP Attachments managed package 3.0.0 is now Lightning compatible. Users can now use FTP Attachments in classic and lightning mode
  • New Features:

    • Advanced Migrator: You can now use the FTP Attachments with standard Salesforce Notes and Attachments. Using this tool, files can be continuously migrated from Notes and Attachments to FTP Attachments

Build 5.0.9 (August 20, 2018)


  • New User InterfaceThe User Interface of our application FTP Attachments® is Responsive and Lightning-compatible
  • Update Profile Photo: The user can upload his/her profile photo on FTP Attachments portal

Build 4.15 (February 20, 2018)

New Feature:

  • Automated Migrator tool: This new feature gives an Automated Environment. Using this tool, files can be continuously migrated from Notes and Attachments to personal storage server. The record of the migrated file can be found in Salesforce’s FTP Attachments object When an user manually uploads any attachment on a particular object using Notes and Attachments in Salesforce, a trigger will get fired and attachment gets migrated to the personal storage server through FTP Attachments. This attachment will be shown under FTP Attachments related list for the particular object

Build 4.14.9 (September 26, 2017)


  • Password Encryption:
    • Password encryption method has been changed
    • Old users (Build 4.13 and below build version) can upgrade to the latest standalone build V4.14 to have the latest password encryption method
  • Update Organization:
    • Organization Id can be updated from client's personal FTP Application login without contacting Orektic team.
  • Unique Username:
    • "Username" field has been introduced while registration of new FTP Attachments account
    • Login can be done with the unique username
    • Unique Email Ids will no more be required for registration of new FTP Attachments account.
  • Enhanced Reset password functionality in standalone mode:
    • After resetting the password through forgot password link in the standalone application, login to the application can be done directly without performing any additional changes in the License.dat file.

Build 4.10.15 (September 21, 2016)


  •  The local server storage option will be no more accessible to the hosted users of FTP Attachments®. longer be
  •  The SMTP server option for the send email functionality is now enabled for the standalone users


  •  While trying to download files with special characters and with the storage server as Amazon S3, the "MULTIPLE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION" error in Google Chrome is now handled and the files are attached successfully
  •  Now community users can attach files via the FTP Attachments® button used by the non-community users.
  • The content truncation issue of the .txt file is fixed now in different browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 11)
  • The files that are updated using FTP Attachments® can now be successfully downloaded with the original name.
  • Attachments sent through the Send email functionality using the SMTP server can now be downloaded when the storage server is Amazon S3

Build 4.8 (February 24, 2016)

Bug Fixes:

  • In the Send email functionality of FTP Attachments®, attachments/files can be downloaded from the link received in the email
  • Duplicate header error in the Google Chrome browser is fixed when the storage server is Amazon S3

Build 4.6 (January 14, 2016)

Major Features:

  • FTP Attachments is now compatible with TLS1.1 or later 
            For more information, please hit the below link:
            Link: https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewSolution?id=000221207
  • Minor UI changes are done on the FTP Attachments® login page for Internet Explorer browser

Build 4.5 (May 22, 2015)


  • The basic version of FTP Attachments® will now support 10 licensed users instead of 30. This is applicable only to the new subscribers.
  • Attachments with file names greater than 80 characters can be uploaded using FTP Attachments®. Eg. If the file name of a attachment is more than 80 characters, then it is truncated and stored in the below format.
  • FinalAnnualReportsandAccountsStatementsSummaryforvariousProductcontent-rmd.html
  • Alerts and messages in the application are made more user-friendly.
  • The template folder of the Send Email module is modified to contain only the email template folder of Salesforce.com. In the previous versions, it displayed all folders including Reports and Dashboard folders of Salesforce.com. 
  • Minor GUI issues are resolved on the Login page for Internet Explorer browser.
  • The send Email module is now enhanced to include an appropriate field value for the Salesforce.com reference types lookup and master-detail fields

Build 4.4 (May 24, 2014)

Major Feature:

  • To sign up for an account with Orektic  (FTP Attachments®), only one email Id associated with specific Salesforce Org ID can be used.

Bug Fixes:

  • The Custom Link Manager tool can now be used seamlessly without any issues
  • Emails can be successfully sent from the Send email functionality of FTP Attachments
  • Comments are added automatically after setting the Case Comments from the FTP Attachments® Web Application
  • GUI issues are resolved on the Attach.aspx page
  • After updating the file using the Update button of FTP Attachments, the view count is displayed appropriately.
  • Characters that are allowed in the file name settings of the FTP Attachments® web application are now handled precisely
  • Multiple files can be added using the AttachMultipleFiles.aspx page
  • A New Profile can be added in the Additional server Setting of FTP Attachments
  • File names with Unicode extensions can be downloaded with their original names
  • Typos/spelling mistakes are rectified

Build 4.3 (December 24, 2013)

Bug Fix:

  • Now, FTP Attachments® searches the particular file in Amazon S3 server bucket and allows user to download it

Build 4.2 (December 23, 2013)

Bug Fixes:

  • Users can Sign Up or log in to the FTP Attachments® account via. 'FTP Attachments Setup' tab within Salesforce

  • On the FileNameSettings page, the user can now upload [, ] and ; characters when they are saved in "Characters Allowed/Denied" text box

Build 4.1 (December 16, 2013)

Major Features:

  • Introduced new UI for FTP Attachments®
  • Embedded FTP Attachments Premium API within FTP Attachments®
  • Introduced radio buttons on the FileNameSettings page for Allow/Deny characters
  • Options to check purchase price in user and admin cases

Bug Fixes:

  • "You have logged out successfully." message displayed on the session expires
  • Due to some garbage value in the URL, user can not login for the first time even if the user enters correct credentials. Now user can login. log in log in
  • A new error message is displayed for Unicode characters in the "Characters Allowed/Denied" text box
  • File Upload/Download directly from Amazon via. FTP Attachments®
  • Help tip is now displayed on Custom Link Manager, MigratorSalesforceUserSetup page
  • Profile editing option available for a user
  • Internet Explorer 10 browser support for FTP Attachments®
  • Users can easily save specific server credential in the Default Storage Server
  • Users can save Amazon credentials in Default Server Settings
  • the Denied "single quote(') and [space]" characters are to be saved in "Characters Allowed/Denied" text box on the FileNameSettings page
  • Removed SearchLayoutSettings link from Email Settings
  • Removed ListBucket link from Tools menu

Managed Package v3.3 (April 9, 2013)

FTP Attachments® 3.3.6 Release Notes (April 9, 2013)

Major Features:

  • Amazon S3 Storage mode (Can store data in Standard storage or Reduce Redundancy storage)
  • Now can upload and download Unicode file

Bug Fixes:

  • In FTP Attachments® Basic, the attached link was not working
  • On Amazon S3, unable to upload and download the file

FTP Attachments® 3.3.9 Release Notes (June 22, 2013)

Major Features:

  • Now can upload and download Unicode file
  • On purchasing a product, the payment transaction should go to the PayPal
  • Created a setting page AuditInformation.aspx to enable & disable Audit Information

Bug Fixes:

  • FTP Attachments® Migrator does not work to retrieve records for some filter criteria.
  • Though we specify a Storage Folder while using Migrator, attachments migrated are not stored in the respective Storage Folder format.
  • Clicking on the Edit button of Edit Profile option an exception occurs in the application.
  • Clicking on Order History from the menu an exception occurs.
  • File attachment fails. No progress is displayed on the status bar.
  • The update Attachment functionality is not working.
  • When we create a link or button using Custom Link Manager, the link is not created.
  • Contents of the message displayed when we attach a file with its name containing an invalid character should be modified.
  • When we allow specified characters in the file name, after attaching a file, the character is not displayed in the file name.
  • If the user inserts any character in the file name from the allowed characters, a message should be displayed to user notifying to inform that File Name Settings needs to be updated.
  • When we attach a file containing a comma and few characters in the file name, without adding a comma in the additional characters, no message is displayed 
  • When the file name contains semicolon after attaching a file, the FTP Attachments® record does not display a semi-colon in the file name
  • After doing "Get Live Profile" changes are not updated locally
  • When we attach a file to an AmazonS3 Server greater than 10 Mb, the upload fails after 50%.
  • Though no special character is involved in the file name, a message is displayed as "Invalid characters found" and the file can not be attached.
  • If we attach a file containing - (hyphen) in the file name, it can not be attached
  • On the Attach.aspx page errors are displayed in the console as we attach the file
  • When we clicked on the Buy Now button, an exception occurred
  • An error is displayed when we keep the AttachmentsMigrator.aspx page open after completion of migration of records

Managed Package v3.0 (March 3, 2012)

Major Features:

  • Introduced a new UI for FTP Attachments®
  • Latest Address & Contact Information

Bug Fixes:

  • Modification for File Name Settings page layout.
  • Modified label for Max file size within FTP Attachments®
  • Henceforth, File Name Settings will not support "-"

Managed Package v2.2 (August 18, 2009)

FTP Attachments® 2.2.39 Release Notes (August 18, 2009)

Major Features:

  • Attachments can be stored in the FTPS Storage Server.
  • Attachments can be stored in Amazon S3 Storage Server.
  • Introduced new tool in FTP Attachments®, FTP Attachments® Importer v1.0.
  • Send Email Beta.

FTP Attachments® 2.2.62 Release Notes (September 14, 2010)

Major Features:

  • FTP Attachments® supports Large File Sizes up to 2GB file size.
  • Re Architecture Of Storage Adapters.
  • MSI Installer

Managed Package v2.1 (August 7, 2008)

Major Features:

  • FTP Attachments® Migrator tool
  • FTP Attachments® supports Multiple Storage Server

Managed Package v2.0 (August 16, 2007)

Major Features:

  • Improved with the UI.
  • Introduced new feature to manage the data on the server i.e. Folder Organization
  • Introduced File Name Settings page, to set different parameters to allow or disallow certain filenames

Managed Package v1.0 (February 8, 2007)

Major Features:

  • Attachments can be stored in FTP Storage Server
  • Attachments can be stored in the Local Storage Server
  • Introduced a new tool in FTP Attachments®, Custom Link Manager tool. To create a Link/Button for Attach, View, Update and Delete

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